
Below is a complete list of my compositions to date. Gradually, I will be including links to purchase published scores. Jazz lead sheets will be available for free, though still ASCAP protected.
My goal is to present all of my work, minus juvenilia, for public use. Most of this list is not yet available, but please check back. This page will be updated periodically. I hope to have all of my music available by 2026.
Note - All pieces that are underlined contain clickable links to the sheet music. In some instances, audio will be provided for your perusal. Depending on the piece, the audio may be a short passage of music or a whole movement. Some audio samples may also be computer generated.
Twelve Pieces for Solo Piano (solo piano collection)
1. The Bell Tower
2. Waltz No. 1
3. La boîte à musique
4. Memories of Olive
5. Ecossaise
6. Prelude No. 1 (La Nuit)
7. Prelude No. 2 (L’Aube)
8. The Piano Tuner
9. Prelude No. 3 (Tout Seul)
10. Ballade
11. Prelude No. 4 (Le Clown)
12. Elegy (For MB)
Dance of the Heyoka (clarinet and piano)
The audio of "Dance of the Heyoka" is computer generated.
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Thematically Connected Recital Program - A Tribute to Authors and Social Campaigners Vera Brittain & Winifred Holtby:
1. No Mourning By Request (violoncello and piano)
2. Between the Sandhills and the Sea (violoncello and piano)
1. Time
2. Love and War
3. Dear Roland
4. A Plea
5. Refuse to Forget (L’Envoi)
3. Epilogue: Immortal Flower (solo piano)
Select poetry by the authors accompanies this program. Email for more information about the poetry.
Edward Brittain's setting of Roland Leighton's L'Envoi is © The Literary Executors of the Vera Brittain Will Trust (1970).
ENTIRE SCORE (all three works)
AUDIO (all three works + poetry)
The Stones of Carnac (tenor saxophone and string quartet)
The Windsong of Crazy Horse (symphonic suite)
1. Vision of Thunder
2. The Greasy Grass
3.They Are Afraid of Her
4. My Lands Are Where My Dead Lie Buried
The Great Silence (violin, piano, and narrator) (BRAND NEW! To be premiered in late 2025!)
Part I: Entangled Universe
Part II: Alone
Part III: Into the Dark (To Find the Light)
Part IV: Spinning
Part V: To the Stars
Part VI: Where am I?
Miniature for Two Guitars
In C-Flat (marimba, xylophone, glockenspiel, and vibraphone)
Jazz Songbook (lead sheets and select jazz scores)
C Instrument Charts. B-flat Charts Available Upon Request.
1. Can Spring Be Far Behind
2. Come Away Death (lyric by W. Shakespeare)
3. Dream Me (Part I)
4.Dream Me (Part II)
5. Euoplocephalus
6. For Better or Worse
7. In the Spirit
8. Josephine
9. La’raesa
10. O Mistress Mine (lyric by W. Shakespeare)
11. Quietude
12. Salta (Tren a Las Nubes)
13. She Didn’t Know
14. So Blue
15. Such is Life
16. Tender Night
17. The Conjuror
18. Wakangli
19. Warm at Heart